Sunday, May 15, 2011

Keep it Classy

When Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake!” (or apparently did not say that at all…), the world shuddered at the idea of such a blatant admittance of the class system. The wealth of France was sitting in the hands of a very small percentage of the population and the rest were starving in the streets and apparently pissed about their lack of cake. Personally, I’m a much bigger fan of cupcakes, but I’ll get to that later. Anyway, it seems like throughout history we have been battling class systems and yet, when left to their own devices, class systems keep coming back. I would like to recall the 80/20 rule that has permeated so many different areas of my life…involvement, group projects, my wardrobe. The 80/20 rules basically means that 80 percent of the work is done by 20 percent of the people or products. For example, about 20% of my closet is worn 80% of the time, or, there are 20% of the people at my university doing 80% of the work. And in society, it always seems to end up where 20% of the people control 80% of the wealth. We continually try to play Robin Hood and create either three classes with an ideally large middle class or for socialism, no classes at all. We met with the Department of Consumption Economics, which we’re not really sure what exactly they do still, and got to see the role of the government in business in China. They basically told us that the government is using taxes to stimulate and create the middle class, which are the major consumers in China’s economy. However, this control is needed because as the Chinese are gaining more and more wealth, the amount of people who hold that wealth is small and they hold a lot of it. This is creating a larger and larger gap between classes, which is similar to what is happening in the U.S. today.

We have a shrinking middle class, and even though the level of living is high and increasing, our class system is becoming a massive lower class and a group of very wealthy, very powerful individuals at the other end. The big question is…does the government step in? Do we take the cues from many other countries (many of which could be called “socialist”) and utilize taxes to define our class system? Or, do we laissez-faire and let whatever happens, happen? I can promise you I don’t know all the answers and I’m not 100% sure on my own opinion. It seems like this rule is something we cannot escape except for enforcing our own rules i.e. taxes. I’m a free market kind of gal, but I totally see the issue with having a few select people control everyone, then we’re talking a quazi-dictatorship with money the deciding power. I do believe that it’s important to encourage people to work hard, make a living, and have the opportunity to realize their own dreams. I also believe in the Chinese proverb (appropriate and ironic at the same time), “Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime.” I always learned that negative reinforcement and punishment are typically not the best ways to accomplish something. I see income taxes designed to “redistribute wealth” as a negative way to ensure a more balanced socioeconomic system. Starting working and understanding how much money actually leaves my paychecks comes as a shock to me. I feel kind of like a kindergarten mentality sometimes thinking, “Wait! I don’t want to share! That’s mine!” I think of all the hours I will spend in a cubicle and the hours I spent taking classes, studying, getting involved, in meetings, volunteering, and in general preparing myself so that I would be able to get a job in the first place. Then, to have this percentage taken away from me makes me sort of feel like someone is taking away one of the Barbies I spent months saving up for.

This is an ongoing problem that has been debated throughout time. It seems like the natural habit for societies and civilization is that a few people control the majority of the resources, power, and people. Does that mean this is the “natural” and “right” way of things? Probably not. In a Utopian society, sure. In a society that is not perfect and plagued by the universal human condition of greed, we add in a whole lot of other factors. However, is it our government’s responsibility to combat the greed of its people? Or is it the responsibility of others who can control themselves and must try to prevent the misuse of power? I wonder if everyone worked really hard and there was natural competition, if there wouldn’t be such a drastic gap between classes. As a member of this notorious “shrinking” middle class, I wonder what my fate will be. Will I be one of the lucky to join the small percentage of individuals who hold the wealth and power of the nation and perhaps even world in their grasp? If I am part of that group, how will I work to be generous and compassionate to ensure that I do my own duty as someone who is affluent and influential in this world? By having that level of power, it’s important to be a good leader too and to use it wisely. Or, will I be part of the growing mass of people (80% according to our rule) who only hold 20% of the wealth, thus powerless and usually disenfranchised. Throughout history, this mass of people has come together to fight wealth with people and when they really unite themselves, have won. (Much to Marie’s displeasure) So, perhaps some government regulation is needed to prevent the mass rebellion of the people and the mass corruption of those who lead us. Like for many things in life, I believe balance is the answer. I’m a Libra (regardless of that stupid Zodiac change) and am drawn towards a balance of opinions, ideas, and practices that make me feel like I’m incorporating all sides and thus getting the best of all worlds. Maybe being sensitive to the need for individuals to work hard and determine their own lifestyles while doing just enough to ensure there isn’t a drastic gap between different socioeconomic statuses is what our government should focus on. I see it as this: I like sharing my piece of the pie with others as long as I get a good majority of it as well as the first and last bites.

I will be posting my adventures on the Great Wall, being the only blonde for at least 500 miles in this “city”, and shot-glass sized KFC mashed potatoes very soon.

In the meantime, stay vibrant and keep it classy (or not, depending upon your own opinions)!


  1. You are in a CLASS by yourself!!!!!!! Love ya baby! xo mom and dad

  2. I will share my pie if the other feeder is not stagnate but continues to grow. It will be bad when the pie is no longer big enough to feed everyone -Greece?
    I have heard good things about China on the BBC - where they report stories, and do not create them.

  3. Miriam, Enjoyed reading your post. You are wise beyond your years!
